Daisy Chains
Posted on 12th July 2022
Daisy chains are easy to make with Daisies being even easier to find, often in abundance and growing in your own garden!

A simple but fun way to spend an afternoon. Create flower necklaces, bracelets and crowns to adorn yourself in this summer. When you’re done with your daisies, why not dry and press the flowers, saving them forever.

What to do:
Collect up your Daisies, making sure you leave a long stem as you will be connecting them together.
Make a slit in the stem of a Daisy, this can be done with your nails or some scissors/ scalpel (ask a parent to help!).
Thread a new daisy through the slit in the stem you have made and they will join as one.
You can now create a slit in the threaded daisies stem and continue the process until to have a chain of them (see below). Continue till the desired length is achieved.
It’s really that simple!

Here are our Daisy chain bracelets

Happy foraging everyone!
If you’d like to know a little more about foraging please head over to our sister site, Wild Food UK to see their very helpful mushroom and hedgerow guides.
Remember to stay safe and never eat anything unless you’re 100% sure it is safe to do so.
Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages too.
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